New and Current Workshops

RTP Workshops are designed and implemented by Peer Mentors, often with the guidance and/or participation of clinicians. People who have suffered from substance abuse and/or mental illness often encounter difficulties when transitioning out of clinical care. These workshops are designed to help the patient reconnect with the community. Participants are asked for feedback, which leads to evaluation and improvement of the workshop. These workshops are offered to all patients within the Mental Health Mission, not just those who are being mentored.

Covid-19 Alert

“The RTP program is committed to continue helping patients throughout Covid-19. As such, we are conducting all services on an online basis to keep our community safe during the pandemic.”

Rainbow Chat Group

New RC poster EnglishRainbow Chat Group is a weekly discussion group focusing on themes related to mental health, well-being and healthcare. This group is open to LGBTQIA2 patients receiving treatment at the AMI and GEC. If you are interested in participating, please request a referral from your primary MUHC healthcare provider (e.g., psychiatrist, nurse, SW, OT).

Meetings begin in person March 24th, 2023 Fridays from 10:30 am-12:00 pm. RTP Conference Room (P2.010) Allan Memorial Institute

Facilitators: Rhiana, RTP Peer Mentor, Matthew, Occupational Therapist

For more information, you may contact the RTP coordinator at:


RAP (Recovery Action Plan)

The RTP – RAP (Recovery Action Plan) Groups are targeted to those patients suffering from Mood/Psychotic disorders that have been recently discharged from inpatient care, TDP or Day Hospital. These patients require additional support following acute care including re-stabilization and management. The RAP activities allow participants to share practical routines, strategies, and resources for regaining and sustaining wellness. The group will promote hope, and the development of a full life, irrespective of ongoing symptoms.

Duration: 6 weeks- 1x/week

Online via Zoom


  • Session 1: What does wellness feel like?

Wellness activity: ex.: Stand up who…

RAP exercise: what do I feel like when I’m well?

  • Session 2: What does wellness look like for me?

Wellness activity: ex.: good things box

RAP exercise: developing a list of wellness tools

  • Session 3: What do I need to do to come back to a meaningful life?

Wellness activity: ex.: Mindful eating

RAP exercise: development of a daily maintenance plan

  • Session 4: Who can support me in my recovery? Resources, education, patient’s rights, empowerment, and the RTP.

Wellness activity: ex.: RTP information session

RAP exercise: shared decision-making workshop led by clinical liaison

  • Session 5: What could my future look like?

Wellness activity: ex.: personal strengths (the last roll)

RAP exercise: exploring weekly and monthly maintenance plan

  • Session 6: Beyond the group

Wellness activity: ex.: discussing “good things” in our boxes

RAP exercise: Maintenance plans/goals for the future


*At the end of each session we set personal wellness goals for the week

SMART (Self-management and Recovery Training)

The RTP –SMART (Self-management and Recovery Training) Groups are targeted to patients that are in longer term care within the Mental Health Mission and the Allan Memorial Institute. These patients are suffering from substantial negative symptoms (anhedonia), a lack of motivation requiring a boost in creativity and positive emotions.

Duration: 6 weeks-1x/week

Online via Zoom


  • Session 1: Who am I now?

And corresponding experiential activities ex.: what’s the illness and what’s me?

  • Session 2: Exercise

Ex.: dancing in the dark

  • Session 3: Overcoming self-defeatist beliefs

Ex.: the circle of positivity

  • Session 4: Having a voice I my care

Ex.: shared decision-making workshop led by clinical liaison

  • Session 5: Adventure Exploration

Ex.: Planning you perfect day

  • Session 6: Gratitude and pleasurable activities

Ex.: Thank you letter to myself


*there is a 3-5 min. guided meditation (thematic) at the beginning of each session

Both RAP and SMART groups are led by the RTP Facilitators, and/or senior RTP Peer Mentors and co-facilitated by a clinical staff. Peer Mentors share their experiences of recovery, and encourage conversations around hope and recovery, and individuality.

The groups are designed according to 5 key recovery concepts: (CHIME): C Connectedness; H Hope; I Identity; M Meaning; E Empowerment.

Zine Workshop: RTPublication

Online via Zoom

Duration: Open-1x/week

The RTPublication Zine is a small format magazine showcasing visual art, poetry and testimonials contributed by and put together by current and former patients of the MUHC Mental Health Mission. It gives patients a voice to promote the RTP, educate staff, patients, family, and friends, lessen stigma, provide a creative outlet, promote personal growth and development, and practice and improve group skills.

The Zine team currently meets once a week via Zoom for 1.5 hours. There are many different roles to be filled within the group such as editors, designers, facilitators, contributors, minutes taker, etc.

To join the Zine Workshop, participants need to be referred by their Healthcare Provider and complete our RTP Referral Form.

To submit work, please email us at:

Family Discussion Groups

Online via Zoom

Peer Mentors have collaborated with clinical staff to deliver family (caregiver) discussion groups at both the AMI and GEC. In 2020, the RTP Family Committee will launch a new round of family meetings at both GEC and the AMI.

Duration: 1-hour meeting

Knowing that families give a lot and can suffer chronic stress, or post-traumatic stress due to the illness of their loved one. They do need, benefit and like support.

The families share their stories, and answer a few questions…. talking about hope, recovery, hardships, love and support.

Some are more advanced along the path to recovery than others and the exchanges are beneficial.

Example of questions asked:           

  1. What is difficult in supporting your loved one?
  2. Do you believe in recovery?
  3. What does a typical day look like?

How to Participate in Workshops

All RTP workshops are now being offered online during the Covid pandemic. To participate please submit a completed workshop referral to the RTP coordinator’s email at

RTP Referral Form